“Will I say the wrong thing?”

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We talk to people all the time who have a diagnosis of dementia and because of this have lost friends.  Friends of many years and friends who were previously close to them.   


“It’s like they think I am already dead.”, “they don’t know what to say to me anymore.” “they are worried they will say the wrong thing”.  These are common experiences of people living with dementia and their supporters.


So, what can you do if you know someone with dementia?


Keep in contact, visit them, talk to them.  Just because a person has a dementia diagnosis doesn’t mean they suddenly become someone else, they are still your friend.


You don’t have to talk about dementia either, just talk about or do the things together that you always have.


Sometimes a person may struggle to place you but that is just an opportunity to make new connections with a long-term friend.  Encouraging you to stay in the present, connecting in the now.


Just by being there, you may not be able to imagine the difference you are making to the person living with dementia and the people around them.  It can make a huge difference, just by making the person feel less alone on their journey through dementia.


I’m not his carer, I’m his wife and this is what I promised to do