Diagnosed as having Dementia?

Just on a journey to becoming a wonderful being?

‘Oh isn’t it awful’ ‘They just get lost don’t they’ ‘It is a fate worse than death!’ are just some of the responses we receive when we express that we work with people with dementia by doing creative workshops with them. Negative connotations are portrayed in the media too and we just don’t understand all the negatively.

Bare with me.

We know that it can be scary when you start to notice that you cannot remember how to string sentences together in the correct order or that you may not realise that the person you have been talking to for the last 10 minutes is in fact your 40 year old daughter who has grown up to be someone you should be proud of, as you have helped her on the way to become the person she is today.

In late stage dementia you may not remember certain things, depending on which journey you go on but you will become a person who we always wish to be. We live in a world where we never really fully experience the moment we are living in, the now. Using mobiles to text someone we are not with, wishing our time at work away so we can be with who we want to be and living on our past experiences of the people we come into contact with.

What if we experienced the moment of now, of how that person is being with us now and what that biscuit tastes to us now.

People with late stage dementia become this person or ultimate beings who we wish to be. Experiencing everything for what it is, you might not be remembered as the son but you will be the person with the lovely smile or the very nice biscuits.

Lets celebrate this and create meaningful experiences for people with dementia which they may not remember, but they will experience to the full, as they are an ultimate being.

Finally, can we go some way to surely stop all the negativity surrounding dementia? If we work together with the knowledge that only the chosen few get to go on a journey to become an ultimate being.


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